Reactive (swollen) astrocytes with enlarged cell body and double vesicular nuclei. This is a relatively rapid response to a wide range of brain stimuli (stress conditions).

WASAD Congress 2019

WASAD 2019 was an international congress focusing on all levels of stress and anxiety disorders on a translational and interdisciplinary level and organised by WASAD and the Collaborative Research Center SFB-TRR 58, Fear, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders.

The congress was held in Würzburg from October 3-5, 2019 and attracted 250 clinicians, researchers, psychologists and health care professionals from 26 countries.

Keynote speakers 2019:

  • Rachel Yehuda, USA
  • Thomas Kash, USA
  • Martin Paulus, USA
  • Brenda Penninx, The Netherlands
  • Mathias Schmidt, Germany

The scientific program of the congress with 25 scientific sessions including keynote lectures and plenary symposia was certified by the Bayerische Landesärztekammer (BLÄK) with 22 CME points.

Abstracts of the congress were published by SpringerNature in the October issue (2019) of the Journal of Neural Transmission.